Is your KitchenAid Refrigerator in Demo Mode?

Unfortunately, many folks believe that the KitchenAid refrigerator side by side has a bad main control board and end up going through endless repair attempts, many times ultimately throwing the board away due to this. Well, we've got a solution for you! It doesn't work all the time but if your refrigerator is in fact in demo mode, it will certainly work. You know it's in demo mode because when you turn it on, you will hear a couple of relay clicks followed by the entire fridge shutting down. Lights go off, compressor kicks off, fans, etc. What you want to do is the following:
– open all doors
– press max cool then power on/off or 3 seconds - unit will beep
– make sure unit is on and running
– close all doors to activate memory lock
– power the unit off at the main power switch behind top panel, not the power switch on the user interface.
– leave doors closed then power the unit back on at power switch
– verify operation by opening doors to make sure product is on and running, this may take up to 8 minutes to power completely up compressor fans etc. There is
a 7 minute restart time out on the compressor if turned on then off and back on again.
Now, at this point, if there still is no operation then the user interface can be faulty. Good luck!